HTML Introduction Website ✊

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HTML Elements Overview

Headings (h1-h6)

Headings are used to define the title of a page or section.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Paragraphs (p)

Paragraphs are used to define a block of text.

This is a paragraph of text.

Links (a)

Links are used to create hyperlinks to other pages or websites.

Visit Google

Images (img)

Images are used to add visual content to a page.

An image

Lists (ul, ol, li)

Lists are used to define a collection of items.

Tables (table,th,tr, td)

Tables are used to define a collection of data.

<table> it is collecetion of data.

<tr> table row

<th> header cell in a table

<tr> data cell in table row

Name Age
Mohit 20
Mohit Garg 22

Semantic Elements (header, nav, main, section, article, aside, footer)

Semantic elements are used to define the structure of a page.

This is a header
This is the main content area
This is a section
This is an article